Monday, 1 June 2015

The start

Four years ago I became a Deputy Principal for the first time.  My family consisted of a husband, 2 kids, a dog, and a cat.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and I had no idea if I could foot it in a Senior Leadership Team.  

My days over the last few years have consisted of juggling my boys and their schooling, driving too and from sports trainings and games, trying not to speak in a 'teacher voice' to my wonderful husband.... oh and popping out a beautiful daughter 15 months ago.  

I thought I was doing an OK job at DP, but I never really felt I had a complete handle on either home or work life.  That continual guilt working mothers have made it hard to ever sink my teeth into anything - guilty for spending too much time at work and guilty for not being at work when with the kids.  

But this year has seen massive changes in all areas of my life.  Not only has having a daughter put the icing on the cake for our family, I have also engaged in a leadership learning journey called NAPP - National Aspiring Principal's programme.  Never did I think I would be into all of that 'fluffy reading stuff' that I had seen other aspiring leaders get into.  You know, the stuff that made you go 'yeah well when do I have time to do that, and anyway the real learning is done in the classroom not in a book'.  

Boy have I changed my tune.  Not only have I become captivated with learning about leadership, I have become re-captivated with 'learning' fullstop.  Yep, its a juggle, and yep I still question myself when I spend a Sunday avo in the office reading and planning.  But when I am home, its family time, and I think it has made me reassess and reevaluate the balance needed in ones life.  I need my family, but I also need to be learning.  So this is my journey, for whats its worth, on that roller-coaster of juggling everything, and most importantly on what and how I am learning - and hopefully through all of this, 'leading' through my actions.

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