Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Why I do what I do, where I do

So this morning the view from my backyard gate/office window (pretty much one and the same) was this....

Two hours later I am on the way for my NAPP conference, still stuck in this............

And this is why I get to work so early, and why I do conferences like this........... found it on my office desk the other morning before work

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Being better than the status quo

Since my NAPP journey started I have had a lot of time to reflect upon where my 'moral compass' is pointing in regards to my teaching & leading.  Before it began, I hadn't even considered my Moral Purpose and what that meant for decisions I made in my teaching career.  I hadn't really delved into what it means to make a difference in a student's life.

So the first thing I had to seriously reflect upon was what are my 'deal breakers'.  What are the values and beliefs that I hold true too, and that should underpin everything I do in and through my life, Wow, big question for a not very well-read brain!

Not that readings are the be all and end all.  But they did start me thinking about my teaching and leadership in a new light.  There are so many well-respected and well-researched authors out there, who have done a lot of the thinking for me.  I just needed to tap into them, and form my own Educational Philosophy.  The readings that have given me a lot of insight and cause for reflection are posted below, and I am building a great bank of readings/research that are really thought-provoking.  They make me challenge my views and opinions - and isn't that how true learning can occur?

I always struggled to write the part in my CV that described what I am all about in terms of my teaching beliefs.  I always thought I could 'feel' it, more than I could 'describe' it.  Through this process, however, I think I can start to articulate it better. I am starting to have those challenging conversations with colleagues and my aim over this year is to really articulate how I intend to be better than the day before and more importantly, why.

So over the last couple of months I have been starting to have these discussions with a 'think tank' at my school, made up of a group of around 7-8 secondary teachers, who teach across many Learning Areas.  Basically, I asked them the question 'Have you ever wondered 'what might be'?

My presentations and all research used have been added to an Evernote folder, aptly named by a colleague Curriculum Reimagined, which I find to be an easy-to-access notebook, that the entire group can add to, and collaborate on.

As a school, we have developed a safe, caring environment in which students understand the school values and actively promote them.  What a great platform from which to build an amazing curriculum, that engages ALL learners and is relevant & authentic.  Yes, we have some brilliant teaching happening, and yes we have practices that need a lot of work.  But, its not about throwing the baby out with the bath water - its about being better than the status quo - and we should all want to do be that!

Monday, 1 June 2015

The start

Four years ago I became a Deputy Principal for the first time.  My family consisted of a husband, 2 kids, a dog, and a cat.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and I had no idea if I could foot it in a Senior Leadership Team.  

My days over the last few years have consisted of juggling my boys and their schooling, driving too and from sports trainings and games, trying not to speak in a 'teacher voice' to my wonderful husband.... oh and popping out a beautiful daughter 15 months ago.  

I thought I was doing an OK job at DP, but I never really felt I had a complete handle on either home or work life.  That continual guilt working mothers have made it hard to ever sink my teeth into anything - guilty for spending too much time at work and guilty for not being at work when with the kids.  

But this year has seen massive changes in all areas of my life.  Not only has having a daughter put the icing on the cake for our family, I have also engaged in a leadership learning journey called NAPP - National Aspiring Principal's programme.  Never did I think I would be into all of that 'fluffy reading stuff' that I had seen other aspiring leaders get into.  You know, the stuff that made you go 'yeah well when do I have time to do that, and anyway the real learning is done in the classroom not in a book'.  

Boy have I changed my tune.  Not only have I become captivated with learning about leadership, I have become re-captivated with 'learning' fullstop.  Yep, its a juggle, and yep I still question myself when I spend a Sunday avo in the office reading and planning.  But when I am home, its family time, and I think it has made me reassess and reevaluate the balance needed in ones life.  I need my family, but I also need to be learning.  So this is my journey, for whats its worth, on that roller-coaster of juggling everything, and most importantly on what and how I am learning - and hopefully through all of this, 'leading' through my actions.